Indonesia Launches First Ever MDGs Data Collection for All of its Districts | UNDP in Indonesia


The Government of Indonesia, with support from the United Development Programme (UNDP), on Thursday launched the first ever Millennium Development Goal (MDGs) data collection for all of the country’s 497 districts. The data set was launched simultaneously with the release of the 2013 national MDG report.

The National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) and the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) compiled the 403-page MDGs district data collection, which list out the performance of districts on each of the 8 MDGs with 34 indicators for the period of 2011 – 2013. At the time of collecting the data the number of Indonesia’s now 511 districts stood at 497.

UNDP Indonesia Country Director, Beate Trankmann applauds the Government of Indonesia for having compiled this comprehensive set of data which covers all districts throughout this vast archipelagic nation spanning three time zones.

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“Policy makers depend on accurate and evidence-based information to devise development blueprints. Detailed information that tracks MDG progress for each district in Indonesia can indeed support policy makers in their decision making to ensure that budgetary allocations go to where they are most needed to accelerate MDG achievements,” Trankmann said.

The achievement of MDGs and reducing the proportion of poor people is one of the core objectives of UNDP’s core country programme in Indonesia. UNDP supports the Government of Indonesia to accelerate MDG progress through the implementation of innovative tools such as MDG Acceleration Framework (MAF) and Pro-Poor Planning, Budgeting and Monitoring.

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Vice Minister of BAPPENAS, Lukita Dinarsyah Tuwo said that Indonesia has met many of its MDG targets.

“The 2013 MDGs report show that out of 63 targets in 8 goals, 13 have been met before the 2015 deadline, 35 others are on track to be met, and the remaining 15 targets require additional efforts to be achieved,” said Lukita.

MDGs that have been met are: MDG 1- people living in extreme poverty as measured by the dollar-a-day indicator; MDG 3 – gender parity in education enrollment as well as in literacy rates in the 15- 24 age group; and MDG 6 – curbing the spread of tuberculosis and MDG 8 – the proportion of people with access to cellular phones.

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MDGs targets that need extra push are; MDG 1 – Proportion of people living below the national poverty line, MDG 4 – reducing the number infant deaths and the mortality rate for children under five; MDG 5 – Maternal mortality rate per 100,000 live births; MDG 6 – Stopping the spread of HIV/AIDS. MDG 7 – Access to clean water and sanitation.

Sumber: Indonesia Launches First Ever MDGs Data Collection for All of its Districts | UNDP in Indonesia.




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